martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

FTLO Hunt- Boo for 2

Ghost head pose: look sharp (for FTLO- hunt gift-find here)

This Hunt was made so that there's 'coupled' items from each vendor. Which means, one of the items is at the event part of the sim, for sale (100L) Then the male or female item that matches it, is at ground level for free.

I loved the entrance idea, and the..erm...'fall' to the event spot. From there you'll find a bat, which also is the hunt item you have to search for, that will give you the lm to the ground location. Have fun hunting ^^

Where to go for the event?? Here ^^

Skin: Al Vulo!- Easy merry widow sikly skin tone (Group gift)
Eyes: Repulse- Demonic v3 eyes (gray) (for FTLO- hunt gift-find here)
Hair: Fashionably Dead - Mary's Magic Hat- Brunette Mermaid
Tights: North west- Ruba tights- treacle
Boots: Miel- Puddle boot- Natural
Necklaces: Bounce- Bat 01 Necklace and Bat 02 necklace (for FTLO- hunt gift-find here)
Lip ring: [ni.ju] Snake Bites

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Hi hi, just a short post to show some of the items at Freestyle's Aniversary Event. There's a lot of great things from many designers from around Second if you haven't yet, you should go have a look ^^

Skin: Mother Goose- Trudy
Tattoo: katat0nik
Hair: Wasabi Pills- Chloe @ 4,44,44
Clothes: 1Hundred- Tube Set @ 4,44,444
Necklace: Lolapop!- El Bujo Necklace @ 4,44,444
Piercing: [ni.ju]- Path to the Underworld @ 4,44,444